Is noise always bad?

Once I thought that silent could be the better solution for developing our creativity. Nothing could be more wrong. Since some years I’m proposing, during my lessons, several hearing situations at very low intensity: overtone singing, noises, high frequencies, ambient music. Sounds good. But not enough. Reading this article on The University of Chicago Press talking about a research (from The Journal of Consumer Research) on this matter, I know I have to change something:

Is noise always bad? Exploring the Effects of Ambient Noise on Creative Cognition

Read here.

Guitar Rig 5 Player Free

Native Instruments Guitar Rig is a modular effects processor for guitar and bass (and for vocalists, in my opinion). The Player version is free. Its modular and expandable features are very nice, you can choose among about 30 free presets – you can buy more for adding effects, but the default ones are more than enough – each of them editable by:

  • adding one or more components (filters, delays, compressors, …)
  • deleting one or more components
  • changing their sequence

I tried it on mac using guitar and my voice, it plays really good. On this site you can find clear explanations and the downloading page. Pay attention, the whole procedure is a little bit intricate, follow steps exactly.

I suggest this software for geeks.


An emotion detector for baby

An interesting project by a japanese team. It could be possible to codify and to interpret the emotional state of babies analyzing power spectrum and pitch of their crying.

From eurekalert:

Baby monitors of the future could translate infant cries, so that parents will know for certain whether their child is sleepy, hungry, needing a change, or in pain. Japanese scientists report details of a statistical computer program that can analyze a baby’s crying in the International Journal of Biometrics.

As any new parent knows, babies have a very loud method of revealing their emotional state – crying. Unfortunately, the parenting handbook does not offer guidance on how to determine what the crying means. Parents sometimes learn with experience that their child’s cries may be slightly different depending on their cause, whether hunger or discomfort… Continue reading “An emotion detector for baby” italian netlabel

From the ashes of dharmasound a new entity is born: netlabel, good  and free music over the web, different elements and different styles with a special care to experimental sounds.

We are proud to be again online with a new name, new website and a new catalog that we inaugurate with the compilation We Want To Beehivemind, a projects that we launched before the closure of  the netlabel dharmasound.

new release

You can listen or download my track Apiarium Humanus, the full release and artwork.

dsound netlabel = Alfredo Serafini aka Seralf, Luca Frigo aka Knob Alchemist and LostCore.

Sogno ad occhi aperti

Questo è un altro video di Gjertsen che mi piace particolarmente, sia musicalmente – compositore ed esecutore Giovanni Sollima – sia poeticamente.

Lo trovo estremamente saziante.

parole di Gjertsen:

So this is the project I’ve been working on for the last 5 months, and heres how part 1 of it is made:
On the six arms parts, which by the way took most of the time to make, I filmed Sollima playing the different layers of cello after each other. I then edited the video frame by frame in Photoshop (remember, it’s 25 frames per second of video), cutting his arms out from the other layers and pasting it on top, matching the movement of the cello. This was done ca 4000 times, by myself.
The clouds were actually filmed in my backyard, sped up 1250 times. The birds we’re filmed in my town, Larvik, Norway on clear blue sky, so that I could use blue screen keying to put them on top of the clouds. It’s hard to notice, but the birds are moving in half speed slow motion. I also had to stabilize the motion of the birds, since I filmed it with handhelt camcorder. The sequence was cut together using After Effects and Premiere.
The forest, river sequence was photographed in a forest in Arona, Italy. I took a picture ca. every five meters, and morphed the images together using WinMorph, matching the pace of the music.
The zooming sequence is very hard to explain. Basically, the first 8 seconds after it starts zooming and when you see Mr Sollima’s face is real photos. The rest inbetween are “painted” in Photoshop by me.
The rest of this part is merely editing in Premiere and After Effects. Allright!


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vConvert: convertitore online di video YouTube ultra rapido!


vConvert è un nuovo servizio online, che ci permette di convertire i video provenienti da YouTube, in tanti formati, come .wmv, .mp4 (dunque per iPod, PSP, iPhone) e molti altri.

Alcune cose che mi hanno colpito di questo sito sono la semplicità nell’utilizzo, veramente estrema, e, soprattutto, la velocità nella conversione di video: ho convertito un video dalla durata di 1 minuto e 11 secondi in .wmw, in meno di 15 secondi.

Davvero molto rapido e semplice!


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Soundpedia è l’ultima novità in materia di musica gratis su internet: previa iscrizione gratuita al sito, infatti, permette di ascoltare liberamente in streaming migliaia di brani di band e artisti famosi e non, e di guardarne i relativi videoclip. Rispetto ad altri siti simili come per esempio, Soundpedia fornisce inoltre un servizio utilissimo come la lettura del testo della canzone che si sta ascoltando (ottimo per fare il karaoke).

Leggi tutto l’articolo qui.